What titles were ReadingGroupGuides.com book club members talking about in 2008? Now posted on the site are the most-requested discussion guides fo

r 2008 in three categories --- New Favorites, Ongoing Favorites and Enduring Favorites.
Among the New Favorites are
The Art of Racing in the Rain by
Garth Stein,
The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society by
Annie Barrows and
Sarah's Key by
Tatiana de Rosnay. All three authors have blogged for us, offering

interesting insights into their novels and sharing stories about their meetings with book clubs.
Also in the New Favorites category is Greg Mortenson's
Three Cups of Tea: One Man's Mission to Promote Peace....One School at a Time. We've heard from many book clubs, including one mentioned in our
feature, who were inspired to take action after reading Mortenson's memoir and donate to the
Central Asia Institute, an organization he founded to build schools in Pakistan and Afghanistan.

Lisa See's
Snow Flower and the Secret Fan, the story of two friends in 19th-century China, is proving to be a steady favorite with book clubs, and it's one of the discussion guides listed in the Ongoing Favorites category. Click
here to read Lisa's RGG.com blog post, "A Thank You to Book Clubs."
To view the 2008 lists:
New FavoritesOngoing FavoritesEnduring Favorites
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